Movements XX: The Matrix Reloaded

As I have said in my last post, I am going through certain things right now that is giving me a chance to totally reevaluate my life. During that process, I will be posting less consistently than before. This is not because I'm giving up on my blog. On the contrary, I'm going to fully revamp this blog to be the success that it needs to be.

In the process, I am totally revamping myself as well.

I have to get a lot of things in order. My finances, my relationships, my health (mental and spiritual), and my career. It's not that things aren't going well, certain situations in my life that I cannot control have forced me to shift into survival mode. Thankfully, various modalities of Holistic Healing have enabled me to weather this change with a good "umbrella" and a positive mind. :)

I have two blogs. This one and Healthy Junk. I'm going to make a lot of changes to these blogs. Also have a "Fight dis-ease!" blog on Wordpress. I put up a poll on the sidebar to my left. Even though I only received one vote, I got a lot of feedback that has helped me to make certain decisions.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to speak on these decisions now. The only reason for this is that I want to make sure that I follow through with these decisions instead of telling you I'm going to do something and then falling back on it.

You will find that as I progress (or regress) with my blog, so is the same with my life. This blog is a reflection of my growth as well as your journey of personal growth.

It is high time that I claim my worth and value it to the fullest - in life, through my blogs.

So it is written, so shall it be done.

Don't worry. I'll still post. However it will be slow, as I have said before. Not only will the template change (as I have already planned to do with the seasons) but the content and many other things will change with this blog. I hope you stick around long enough to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Please feel free to provide any feedback.

Until next time...stay strong, stay healthy, and fight dis-ease!